Our Offerings

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Strategic Conversation

Let us take your leadership team through a conversation to develop a shared understanding of your current state, your aspiration and your key focus areas to get there. Documented on a page that you can use with your leader, your peers, your staff and your customers which sets the frame for your next 12 months of continuous improvement. We can then support you with the establishment of a clear program for change, using Agile practices to clarify, manage and give transparency to the process.


Agile Transformation

We believe Agile has gone way beyond software engineering. It is being successfully applied to manage Business Programs and Projects, Operational Functions and Change Programs. Let us help you navigate the plethora of practices and technical jargon to find a practical application of Agile that can help transform your business’ way of working for greater transparency, early risk identification,  faster time to market and transformational change in the way your teams get work done.  We can support you with the development of a program including training, and hands on coaching.


Lean and Agile are close cousins. They have many shared practices and philosophies. We like to keep it simple, we use Agile for project improvement and to manage operational processes. We use Lean for targeted process improvement. Lean brings your teams together to optimise your operations and deliver material, measurable process improvements.

Net Promoter Score

We find that irrespective of the Business, everyone is critically aware of the need to put their customer at the centre of everything they do. Whether they are internal or external customers it doesn’t matter. It is astonishing how few have a systematic, real time view of what their customers think. We believe this is critical for genuine customer responsiveness. We help teams use Net Promoter style feedback to find the big opportunities for improvement that are genuinely customer service impacting.


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Start a conversation with us about how we can help you and your leaders start a transformational change.

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